Put the LOSER on Your 2022 Draft Board
Find the BEST (or worst) picture of your league loser, and mount that sucker as the background of your draft board. With our Build-a-Board fully custom fantasy football draft board, you can upload the image of your choice! Can you imagine how your league will react when they see a picture of last years loser with his high school girlfriend?
Do you have a prom picture that you can use?
Maybe a solid drunk picture?
The more embarrassing picture, the better it will be.
Here are a few boards that we've created for our customers. You be the judge!

Honorable Mention: Open Mic Night
The loser of your fantasy football league will sign up for an Open Mic Night of the Leagues choice. This could be a comedy club, poetry reading or karaoke if you're feeling generous.
Not only does the loser of your fantasy league have to PERFORM in front of a public audience, but the CHAMPION of the league gets to direct the performance. That's right, the champ of your league will create the comedy show script, poem, or gets to pick the song at karaoke.
You might be thinking... That honor sounds even better than winning a fantasy football champion belt! And let's be clear... It is.
Open Mic Night is the ideal way to punish the loser of your fantasy league while rewarding the champion. It's a win-win for everybody in the league... Unless the loser, of course.