You've all been there before. Perhaps you've even hosted one. It's OK.
After you read these 10 epic tips, you will know how to host a fantasy football party that doesn't suck.
To be honest, it's not that hard to host a party that doesn't suck. All it takes is a little planning, a little creativity and an epic draft board. Put it all together, and you'll be able to host a fantasy football draft party that puts all previous parties to shame.
Tip 10 - Rent a Condo or Airbnb
Have you ever thought about hosting your draft at a local bar or restaurant? Sounds like it would be fun, right? Now, I want you to really think about this for a minute. Can you remember the last time you hosted a fantasy football draft party when things didn't get heated?
Do you really want to be arguing and dropping F-Bombs about last years trade that may have been collusion, while a family looks on from the table next to yours?
Also, when was the last fantasy draft party you attended that wrapped up in less than 3 hours? Hosting at a restaurant may sound like a decent idea at first, but you'd be better off doing it... Well, anywhere else.
Consider renting an Airbnb for a weekend or a Condo on VRBO. You can find plenty of deals on both websites in July and August. Consider renting a nice Airbnb near a golf course, or a condo on the beach, and make it a boys weekend.
Tip 9 - Don't Set a Timer
Unless you run a league like Putin runs a country, don't set a timer for each draft pick! The first 3 rounds of your draft should go pretty quick, but then you can expect it to slow down a bit each round. We don't suggest letting Tony take 20 minutes to make a selection, but a clock for each pick is way too much.
Besides, who want to reset a timer between each pick?!
Settle down a bit, have a drink, enjoy spending time with your friends, and let the draft happen as it should.
Tip 8 - Take the Next Day Off
Speaking of not timing each pick, you did take the next day off... Right? If you plan on hosting your fantasy draft party on a Thursday, you better have asked for Friday of at work. If for some reason you want to draft on Sunday, you're not showing up to work on Monday.
Maybe you don't have a job where you can take 30 days off each year, but you'll want to use one for the day after your draft.
Tip 7 - Come up with an Epic Way to Select Draft Order
There's nothing more exciting to kick off the annual draft with a creative way to select your draft order. We came up with a few ways to help determine your fantasy draft order, but we encourage you to think of something unique.
- You could do a custom treasure hunt.
- You could play tag.
- You could play a drinking game.
- You could play pink pong.
- You could bet on the score for the Hall of Fame game. Closest to the score without going over wins. Price is Right style.
- You could create an extremely complex game of scoring points over a week-long period.
There are so many ways you can pick your fantasy draft order! The one thing that you should not do? And I know that everyone reading this article has done this at least once before... Whatever you do, don't pick the draft order based on last years standings.
Above all, don't pick the draft order until 5 minutes before the draft starts!
Tip 6 - Properly Shame the Loser
We don't recommend any cruel and unusual punishments, but a good shaming is needed. Whether you want the loser to be a beer bitch, or they need to wear a pink tutu and crown for the draft, it's your call.
We just ask that you shame the loser properly in whatever sick and twisted, or humane way that your league decides on.
Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- Loser wears the aforementioned Pink TuTu
- Loser is Beer Bitch for the first 8 rounds
- Loser makes each pick
- Loser orders the food
- Loser brings the cigars
- Loser wears a skirt
- Loser wears his wife's / GF's yoga pants
- Loser has to raise his hand to speak
- You get the point.
Tip 5 - Pick up a 6 Foot Draft Board
Nothing screams epic fantasy football draft party like a massive 6 foot draft board. The P.E.D Draft Board Kit is exactly what it sounds like. It's a Draft Board that took P.E.D's (no random drug testing here).
You could go with one of our popular 3 X 5 Ft draft boards, or you could go big this year. Remember, the board is going to be the focus of your fantasy draft party, so you can't go cheap! You could probably save some money by picking one up on Ebay or Amazon, or you could try and host an epic draft party this year.
We promise you that you won't be disappointed. And if you are, well, we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
Tip 4 - Clear up any Rule Changes Before Pick #1
This goes without saying, but if you're changing to a PPR league, or you've decided to add on a second FLEX spot, you'll need to do this before the draft starts.
Ideally this conversation should happen long before the draft is about to start. If you want to expand rosters, change the scoring, or change keeper rules, you need to have that conversation during the off season.
That being said, once the first player has been selected, no rules can be changed. Don't wait until the fourth round before trying to convince your league to change to a 2 QB league!
Tip 3 - Communication
Start a group chat right now. Not kidding. Stop reading this article, pick up your phone, and start a group chat with your league.
People are busier today than they've ever been. With jobs, second jobs, vacations, families, and everything in between, it can be hard to find a fantasy football draft date that works for everyone. Ideally, the draft should happen between the 3rd and 4th pre-season game, but anytime before kickoff on Week 1 will suffice.
On the day of the draft, you'll want to remind everybody of the location, time and the materials they need to bring (cheat sheets, beer, sleeping bag, etc.).
Tip 2 - Celebrate the Champ
Half of the reason we play fantasy football is to be the league champion! We suggest that you celebrate your league champ in a way that he deserves. Whether this is a league trophy that has been passed down for generations, or a brand new fantasy football championship belt that glimmers as you take it out of it's packaging for the first time, you need to show the love.
If you play in a cash league, we've also seen people print and sign big checks, like they do when someone wins the lottery. This is a fun and unique way to celebrate your champ.
The Number 1 Tip
Above all, the best thing that you can do to host a fantasy football draft party that doesn't suck is: PLAN ONE.
It's really not that difficult.
Just get off your computer, call up your friends, and plan a fantasy draft party. Once you take your fantasy football draft party offline, you'll never go back to an online draft platform. Sure, you'll still use ESPN or Yahoo to manage your league throughout the year, but there's nothing like an offline draft party.
There's a reason why so many people invest in fantasy football draft boards! Pick up your offline draft board today, and host a legendary party.